Tricorders, Enterprise, and API Gateway
How’s your health? If you’re like me, sometimes you wish had a tricorder – you know, that fictional device (pictured above) used by Bones to scan for abnormalities in the old Star Trek? A quick pass over your body, and 3 phases of “tech magic” (thus, “tri” – corder) would happen instantly: sensing, computing, and... Continue reading
Digital Transformation: How Machine Learning, Google’s BigQuery, and AI are Changing Healthcare
A digital transformation in healthcare is upon us; a massive, data-driven change to providing care. What are the innovations driving this change?
Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery
An effective “pipeline” that monitors and improves the flow of software from the developer to the end-user can actually help improve healthcare outcomes.
Top 3 WordPress Plugins for HIPAA Security
Update your WordPress site security with these excellent plugins